I suppose that this is really a blog, though I hesitate to call it that. The real bloggers seem so much
more interesting. I cover stuff which I find interesting, and I hope that you will too.
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For more information about what I'm interested in, see the Ponding pages.
Pond is working again!
18 Apr 2004
We finally got eh pump going again today -- the waterfall now falls. We cleared out the muck at the bottom, and pulled out a number of dead frogs and fish. The problem was that (I think) the top pond almost froze to the bottom. Only three fish (of about 20) survived.
The pipework also suffered from the cold -- one of the sections (made of Schedule 40 PVC) had fractured and needed to be replaced. It was (of course) in a very awkward spot.
We planted up a bunch of Canna Lilies that had overwintered inside. I also have 100 (or so) Yellow Flag Iris that overwintered in the pond. The idea (in the fall) was to try and sell them on Ebay, but in the spring, it seems much less like a good idea!
The ice is really melting now and things are floating to the surface
6 Mar 2004
We have now had almost a week of reasonable weather, and the pond ice is melting quickly. However, this also means that 'things' are floating up to the surface.
This afternoon (Saturday), I found one of our two Golden Orfes floating on the surface. We have had them for about five years, and this one was around 10 inches long.
We will miss him (or her!).
Fish Disaster
28 Feb 2004
I had placed a sheet of insulating foam over the pond to try and protect it from the cold weather that we have been having. The bubbler was bubbling away quite nicely underneath it. Then we went away on vacation for a week, and then today I decided to look underneath the foam.
What I saw shocked me -- there were 14 fish in about half an inch of water that that accumulated under the foam and above the ice on the pond. Most of the fish were lying on their sides, half out of the water. At this point, panic set in.
It appeared that the bubbler had stopped, and that there was no way to get the fish back into the pond. One of the fish was dead, but the others looked salvageable. I grabbed a bucket and filled it with snow and then added tap water -- so I ended up with a few gallons of water at 32°F. We rescued 12 fish fairly easily, the thirteenth (a large Shubunkin) was partially frozen into the ice. After a bit of work with some cold tap water, we got him (her?) out of the ice and into the bucket.
A bit of work with boiling water opened up the hole back into the pond (we still have at least 10 inches of ice), and we transferred the fish back into the pond. We are hoping that they all survive.
Logs to Burn
30 Dec 2003
My grandmother -- Honor Goodhart -- wrote a poem in 1926 entitled "Logs to Burn" that describes the burning characteristics of many different types of wood. The context was a coal strike that (presumably) restricted the supply of coal, and hence boosted the use of wood for heating.
Most references to this poem do not have the correct attribution, and this note (may) start to set the record straight.
SPAM -- a modern scourge
22 Dec 2003
I have been playing around with SPF which adds a layer of verification on top of regular SMTP mail. The idea is prety simple -- mail coming from my domain should only be sent from a limited number of mail servers. A spammer or email worm who tries to forge the from address as me will get blocked.
To set this up, you just have to publish an SPF record for your domain in DNS. This record is a TXT record of a specific format, as described at the site above.
If you are also an MTA operator, then you can turn on SPF support in your MTA -- again, instructions at the site mentioned above.
Is this the solution to SPAM? Definitely not, but it is a piece of the puzzle.
You can send email to spftest@gladstonefamily.net
and the daemon will return a recommendation for your SPF record. It will also tell you if your existing SPF record looks good.
Meatspace & GEOURL
25 Nov 2003
Somebody pointed me at geourl.org which is building a map of the physical locations that websites deal with. If you choose then you get to see who my virtual (physical?) neighours are.
At lot of them appear to be hosted on DeviantART -- which appears to be some sort of art site where you can submit your work and people comment on it. There is other weird stuff in this list as well. I found the Weather Pixie which gives you a small image that shows what the weather is like nearby. The bad news is that I can't see how to inject my own data......
Autofill addition
21 Oct 2003
I got fed up with adding water to the pond when it got low. I had a couple of close calls this summer when I had blockages and water flowed out over the side.
The solution was simple -- use a toilet fill valve from Home Depot for the princely sum of $6. With the addition of various bits of pipework and bent aluminium strip, I got it mounted in the pond and connected to the end of the soaker hose that waters the flower bed. The hose runs for an hour each night, and during this time it refills the pond. It appears to put in up to half an inch of water during hot weather.
Definitely a worthwhile addition!
The big bad bird came baaack!
10 May 2003
On Saturday morning at around 8 o'clock, we saw the Great Blue Heron (aka Big Bad Bird) standing by the fish pond. It flew off pretty quickly, but the fish were nowhere to be seen. We covered up the pond with a net (and regretted not having done it earlier) and went out for the morning.
After lunch, we put the net on properly, and while we were doing this, the heron came back and sat in a tree overlooking the pond. It didn't seem peturbed by us waving our arms and gesticulating wildly! Eventually it flew away to the pond in the Christmas Tree farm and stood gazing into the water.
By now, the fish have reappeared from their hiding places, and it is not clear how many we have lost.
Update: The BBB came back again and walked around the pond, looking nournfully at the unreachable fish. It then flew off into a tree and refused to leave. The kids banged on the gong and generally made a big noise, but it refused to leave!
The underwater camera sprang a leak
12 Apr 2003
I noticed on Friday that the picture seemed bad from the camera. I took a look at it this morning and the housing was half full of water! It is now out of the pond and hopefully will begin to dry out. I just hope that the water didn't cover the CCD -- otherwise I'll be left with a nasty residue on the surface when it dries out.
Before I put this module in the housing, I covered all the electronic bits with liquid electrical tape (though I got it at my local hardware store) to try and keep the water out! Foresight really does pay sometimes!
Colour imagery available of Massachusetts
3 Apr 2003
I found that the state has made the colour ortho imagery available online. This was shot in April 2001 and so is much more uptodate than the monochrome images that were availabe before. The resolution is the same (0.5 meter per pixel), and they have a snappy viewer that allows browsing of the entire dataset.
The interface seems a little bit flaky, but it works well enough to find the house and see the ponds!
spf-pobox Information about SPF (Sender Permitted From)
gunnera Neat description of the Gunnera Manicata -- a truly monstrous plant!
docsearls The Doc Searls weblog -- he seems clueful and I read him.
ffmpeg Open source audio/video streaming software -- this drives my pondcam
cwop The Citizen Weather Observer Program is a loose collection of amateur weather station operators.
jreceiver Open source server for the Rio Receiver -- this is what I use.